Dr Gavin Hayes

Dear Parents & Carers,

Welcome to the 2024 academic school year at Marian College! I trust that the holiday season has been a time of joy, relaxation, and strengthened family bonds for each of you. As we embark on this new school year, I extend a warm welcome to our families and students. We are excited to have you as part of our Marian community and look forward to fostering a supportive relationship throughout your child's journey.

Leadership Changes

Our College leadership team has evolved in 2024 and we are very fortunate to welcome Mr Mark O’Connor in a new role as Learning Coach who will work closely with teacher staff to drive excellence in learning throughout the College. Ms Darcy Vidler has been promoted to Leader of Learning - Administration and Mr Nasso will be Acting Director - Student Wellbeing for 2024. They will join the following members of the College Leadership Team and we each look forward to engaging with you as the year progresses.

  • Principal - Dr Gavin Hays
  • Assistant Principal - Wellbeing and Growth - Ms Melinda Breakspear
  • Assistant Principal - Learning and Innovation - Mrs Fiona Livingstone
  • Director - Catholic Identity and Mission - Ms Alicia Shaw
  • Director - Student Wellbeing - Mr Ray Nasso
  • Learning Coach - Learning Sciences - Mr Mark O’Connor
  • Leader of Learning Administration - Ms Darcy Vidler

This year we are very excited to welcome some wonderful new staff to our Marian Community.

New staff at Marian Catholic College, Kenthurst

Permanent Teaching staff:

  • Mrs Connie Rana (Visual Arts/English)
  • Mr George Haddad (Visual Arts/HSIE)
  • Mrs Patricia Huggett (Visual Arts)
  • Mr Tony Quelch (Drama/English)
  • Ms Ella Manampan (Science)
  • Ms Coco Chen (Science)
  • Ms Jasmine Nivison-Furner (HSIE)
  • Ms Renee Mitchell (Diversity)
  • Mrs Lisa Bow (Diversity)

Temporary Teaching Staff for 2024

  • Mr Taylor Chan (PDHPE/Mathematics)
  • Ms Sam Hewitson (PDHPE)
  • Ms Annelise Conte (Teacher Aide)

High Expectations

At Marian our goal is to inspire and empower our students to recognise their gifts and cultivate an environment that empowers them to continuously strive to be the best people they can be in their quest for personal excellence. In order to achieve this we must have high expectations in all aspects of College life with a particular focus on the little things that make a significant impact. I thank all parents/carers for their support of the College expectations. We continued to make significant improvements during 2023 to develop a positive and inclusive school culture, where every student feels valued, respected, and supported.

In 2024 we will continue our strong focus on our 1% initiatives including developing a strong collaborative work ethic, taking risks in learning, knowing your strengths, using respectful language, pride in appearance and commitment to our Catholic faith. All of these areas will provide a strong foundation for all members of the Marian school community to thrive and achieve their full potential in 2024.

Building Back to School Habits

Returning from the break brings a mixture of emotions for both parents and students. While some may be eager for the return to routine, others may feel the challenges of early mornings, busy schedules, and the adjustment to school life. We understand the complexities that come with transitioning back to school and want to offer support in making this process as smooth as possible.

To help ensure a positive start to the academic year, here are three essential steps you can take to prepare your child for school:

Transition to healthy routines - Change is a constant in life, and the return to school may present challenges. Start adjusting sleep schedules and daily routines a week before the school year begins. This helps children ease into the early morning wake-ups and sets the stage for a smoother morning routine. Rehearse the daily routine a little, without excessive pressure.

Organise for success - Encourage your child to have all the necessary school supplies well in advance. Being well-prepared with the right tools can set a positive tone for the entire school year. This includes devices charged and bags packed the night before.

Set goals for 2024 - Sit down with your child to discuss their goals for the upcoming school year. Whether it's academic achievements, extracurricular activities, or personal growth, having clear objectives will help provide motivation and focus. Encourage your child to participate in extracurricular life. This not only enhances their school experience but also helps them make new friends with shared interests. As we approach the beginning of the new school year, remember that communication is key. Stay connected with your child, encouraging them to share their experiences and feelings about the upcoming school year. Foster a positive attitude, emphasising healthy habits and an open mindset towards challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

For more expert parenting advice please visit School TV.

Important Dates for 2024
Below are some key dates for Term 1 2024:

Week Day Event
1 Thursday 1st February
Friday 2nd February
Year 7 and 12 Commence
Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 Commence
2 Friday 9th February Year 7 Welcome Mass
3 Monday 12th February
Wednesday 14th February
Friday 16th February
College Swimming Carnival
Opening College Mass
Graduates Assembly
4 Wednesday 21st February Year 7 2025 Open Evening
6 Wednesday 6th March Year 12 Learning Conferences
7-8 13th - 25th March Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN Testing Period
9 Wednesday 27th March Year 7 Transition Conferences
10 Tuesday 2nd April Staff Development Day
11 Thursday 11th April
Friday 12th April
Cross Country
Last day for Term 1

Finally, my prayer as we commence this year is to ask God to bless us on our ongoing journey of faith and learning as we ‘Walk with Christ’, trying to follow the same path as Mary, encountering the joys, sorrows, successes and challenges that the fullness of life brings.

God bless


Written By

Dr Gavin Hays

Dr Gavin Hays

Instagram | Marian



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