Marian Catholic College has a strong reputation in the sporting arena.
Sport at Marian Catholic College is an important part of a student’s physical and social development and students are offered a wide range of activities to participate in from a competitive level to refereeing or umpiring and coaching.
Our achievement in local, inter-school, State and National level competitions is distinctively Marian. Our extensive range of sports and activities is a credit to the staff that give their time in coaching and managing these groups.

School sport provides opportunities to experience new games and sports, develop talents in sports and recreation activities.
Students have the opportunity to represent the College through the Parramatta Diocese Secondary Schools Sport Council (PDSSSC). This includes the major carnivals of swimming, cross country and athletics as well as many other representative sports. In addition, championship days and summer/winter competitions across a variety of sports provide students with the opportunity to play weekly competitive sport.
Students can also be selected to represent the PDSSSC at the New South Wales Combined Catholic Colleges (NSWCCC) and New South Wales All Schools Levels.

Students in Years 7-10 participate in school sport every second Friday. A variety of sports are played throughout the year and students who do not wish to try out for a College team in the PDSSSC weekly competition will have other sport and recreational activity options provided to them during this time.
Some sports activities that our students participate in include:
- Tennis
- Holey Moley Putt Putt
- Big Swing City Golf
- Flip Out
- Oz Tag/Ultimate Frisbee
- Ice Skating
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Tenpin Bowling
- Basketball
- NFL Flag
- Archery Tag
- Football Academy
Some co-curricular activities that our students participate in include:
- Musical
- Esports
- Science Club
- Art for Wellbeing
- Crochet Club
- Walking Group
All students participate in a different sport/co-curricular activity every five weeks. Sport and co-curricular activities will often be held at school and external venues to ensure students have access to a variety of enjoyable sports and to participate in activities they may not normally do in their PD/H/PE program.